Thursday, December 27, 2012

Your Moving Checklist

Packing is a substantial part of the whole moving – right from planning it, making the lists with things to take, supplying the packing materials, packing your belongings and loading the truck. This process takes a long time to arrange so as soon as you know you are moving get ready to start packing. In order to save time and money try to be consecutive, practical, efficient and timely. This guide will give you a checklist as to how to do it.

Checklist on How to Pack for Moving

  1. In the first place your packing starts with deciding what’s for packing. Take a look at every room and other premises in your home like attic, garden, basement and etc. Set aside everything you are not going to pack and move. It will go into other directions like donations or a moving sale. Remember: the less you take, the less you will have to pack, the lower the expenses for your moving will be. Remember when you pack for moving that it can be fun too. Try to stay positive during the process. Involving your kids can make it fun for them too.
  2. Include the rest of your items into a list. Make a section in it for every room in your house like kitchen, living room, kids’ room and so on. This is going to be your inventory list that you will use further on not only for a packing checklist but also to inform the movers what you are moving so this is an important step. What really matters is will you be transporting glasses, cups, dishes, china, electronics and other breakable items. They will need to be handled with care and you do need to pack them carefully and have enough packing materials at your disposal, too.
  3. Now that you are ready with the inventory list take care of the packing supplies. Take your list and following the items in it plan how many boxes you will need to supply, tape, scissors, packing paper, bubble wrap and markers for the boxes. How many boxes and what size do you need for the packing? How much tape and packing paper? You need to be clear on which packing materials you will need so that you can make a list of them, too, and go to the store to pick them up. If you supply all you need to pack your belongings at once you will save a lot of time wondering around stores back and forth. This is one of the most important steps and it is also considered the best way to pack for moving.
  4. If you don’t want to engage yourself with the packing materials you can ask your mover to do it. Supplying the packing materials may be free and whatever you don’t use you can give back and the movers won’t charge you for that. Movers offer to do the packing itself, too. But before you ask the moving company to give you the things to pack with ask them about this service – how does it take place, what is the moving company policy, what is the cost, when do the packing materials get delivered, when are they taken back, when do you pay for the packing materials, etc. Every mover has a different list with services that they offer and their corresponding prices of course so just ask before you sign or agree to anything.

  5. An extra tip: larger items, delicate things and electronics like a sofa or a collectors’ painting for example better be packed by the mover since you don’t want to damage it. Moving experts know how to pack – they have experience and have had the special training in order to do that well. Furthermore for some of these items you may have hard time finding the proper way to pack it – how do you wrap up a large painting for example? Just a blanket won’t do. The packing for these is especially made so consult your mover in advance – they will tell you what is the safest packing.
  6. Now that the packing materials are available you can begin to pack. Begin room by room. Place at the bottom of the box heavier items and lighter ones on top. After you pack a box label it with the marker by writing on the sides and on top the room to which the box belongs and the content, for example “Bedroom. Clothes”. This will give you a direction how to pack the truck and later where to place the boxes in your next home so that the unpacking will be faster. Do not make the boxes too heavy when you pack them because they may break. After a box is packed well, seal it well and tight with packing tape. If you want to be more specific and add extra information about the content of each box during packing place inside a sheet with information like “Kids’ clothes, shoes and toys”.
  7. Don’t forget for an “Open me first” box. Pack in it the things you will need for your first few days at your new home until you are done unpacking. Place in this box hand towels, soap and shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, hairbrushes, a bath towel for each person, a knife, spoons, forks, some cups and dishes, a pot, a pan and may be some sweets like a chocolate bar in case someone gets really hungry. Think about what else you are going to be using in the last few days at your current home and pack it in this box.
  8. When you are ready and everything is packed a good idea is to think about how to load the moving truck. The best way would be to place the large furniture at the bottom and on it begin to arrange boxes with heavier items. On top of them put lighter things like clothes or towels so you don’t break anything.
  9. You can use your own blankets and sheets in the truck to cushion the items carried and for extra protection.
  10. Clean after yourself. Collect the garbage and throw it away.
  11. Take a look in all rooms in your home before locking it up to make sure you ave taken everything.

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. 

We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Motivate Yourself, Even When You Don’t Want To!

What do you do when your job is relocating you, and you absolutely hate the thought of moving? Maybe you really love where you live now, and you have never considered leaving. Alternatively, perhaps your significant other is moving and you want to be supportive, but you really dread the thought of going. Well, sometimes, moving is a decision made for you, but that does not mean it has to be a drag. Maybe you have never thought about packing up and heading to the location where you are headed to, but that does not mean it can’t be positive!

Research the Area
You may be so busy being negative about the move that you don’t even realize that the area may be perfect for you. If you are an outdoor-enthusiast, look for all the parks in the area, or see if there is a beach nearby or somewhere to go skiing. If you enjoy walking, running or cycling, you can always go to explore your new city to discover tons of mapped routes.

You may also want to find out about their area’s museums, art galleries, restaurants, shopping opportunities and even yoga studios. The more you know about the place you are going to, the more you will have to look forward to. You can even create a list of everything you want to do and see when you get there.

Clean House
No, this has nothing to do with getting out your mop and vacuum either. This is all about getting rid of everything you don’t need or want anymore. You can donate, sell or trash it, just get it out of the house. Sometimes it just feels refreshing to reduce the number of belongings you have, whether your home is cluttered or not. Plus, you can always buy new stuff when you get to your destination, which gives you something to look forward to.

Pack Early
Maybe all you need to get excited about the move is to just start the process. Little things can be packed well in advance. Plus, when you leave things until the last minute, it is nearly impossible to feel excited and look forward to the  move, because you will be stressed, rushing around trying to get everything done.

Buy Yourself Something
Fair enough, you really do not want to buy a bunch of new stuff that you will just have to pack and move. However, you can buy something new that you won’t use until you arrive at your destination. This could be a new suit for work, running shoes to hit the trails in or some yoga clothes to wear when you check out that studio you saw online. Knowing that you have something new that you get to use or wear when you arrive at your new home gives you one more thing to look forward to!

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. 

We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Moving in the Event of Breakups and Divorces

In a perfect world, both parties involved would realize that their breakup or divorce represents a positive new chapter starting in their book of life. They would be able to part as friends, and one or both would move out with no complications. Unfortunately, this is the real world where emotions tend to dominate these situations and things can be pretty tense. As if moving isn’t stressful enough, when you add the burden of a breakup or divorce on top, it is easy to feel unbelievable overwhelmed, anxious or depressed; sometimes a combination of all three.

Well, while the two of you may not be meeting for brunch as friends anytime in the near future, there is no reason why moving has to be more stressful than it already is.

One Person Moving Out
Are you the one moving out? If so, there is probably a good chance that the breakup was also your decision. Of course, maybe your significant other made the decision, but it is their place so you need to leave. Whatever the case is, you should make a point to move out quickly.

Sure, you probably want to find the perfect place, but you are just adding fuel to the fire, and waiting for an explosion, if you overstay your welcome. Rather than living where there is tension and making things uncomfortable for the two of you, consider putting your belongings in storage and either crashing at a friend’s house or getting a hotel room. Many budget-friendly hotels will take week or month-long reservations, and have small kitchenettes in them, with laundry facilities on the premises.

When you do move, you need to practice proper exit etiquette. Ideally, your now-ex won’t be there. This will reduce the risk of unnecessary stress and tension. Whether you are having friends help or are hiring movers, be respectful of their belongings. You wouldn’t want  them destroying your property, so make every effort to make a peaceful and clean exit.

Both Moving
If you are both moving out, the game changes a little. There are a lot of responsibilities that should be shared, and like it or not, you are going to need to communicate. You might want to hire a mediator, if you are selling your property. Otherwise, you could even use a neutral friend to help you create lists of who will be handling specific responsibilities.

You should agree upon a move out date. This does not mean that you have to move on the same day; ideally it will be separate days or things can get a little chaotic. You will want to make a list of everything that needs to be done, so there is no confusion. This could include turning off utilities, hiring a cleaning service or gathering school records for the kids.

Decide who will be getting pieces of furniture, appliances, collectables, old photos and everything else. Ideally, you will designate separate areas to pile your packed boxes. For example, one person can use the spare room while the other uses the garage. This will help reduce clutter, which can also escalate stress.

Breakups, divorces and moving are all hard enough on their own, but when you combine two, there is the potential for disaster. Planning ahead, being organized and communicating will help avoid complications and increased tension. 

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. 

We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Moving Fish and Your Aquarium

It does not matter if you have a small or extra-large aquarium; if you are moving, this one object is likely causing you the most stress. It’s not like your moving and storage professionals can just load the tank into the truck and carry it into the new home all set up. This is something you are going to need to invest a little care and time into to make sure your fish make the move safely. You likely already know how temperamental fish are, so one wrong move could have very sad consequences.

Change the Water
To successfully move an aquarium, you are going to need to start two weeks prior. Since you are ultimately going to take about 80 percent of the water to your new home, you want to make sure it as clean as possible for the move. Therefore, you should change about 20 percent of the tank’s water every other day until the move. If you have a fully stocked tank, you probably already are doing this at least once a week, so it will take a little extra effort on your part. By the time moving day comes, the fish should have clean oxygenized water to make the trip in.

Gather Supplies
First, you are going to need a container for the fish. Insulated plastic picnic coolers work well, or some fish stores have boxes with a Styrofoam liner. Obviously, if you have a larger tank, you are going to need more than one box.

You will also need plastic trash bags. The clear ones are ideal, but make sure they are clean and unscented. The chemicals from scented bags could kill your fish. You will also need some thick rubber bands, containers for water and something to put your sunken ship, treasure chest, skull and other accessories in.

Preparing for the Move
The most important thing to do before a move is stop feeding your fish at least 24 hours prior. Some recommend 48 hours, but this will depend on your fish. You want to be able to keep the water as clean as possible throughout transport, because there will be minimal oxygen in it.

Layer a couple of garbage bags inside one another, place in a cooler, grab a cup and add some water from the tank into a bag until there is more than enough for the fish. Use your net to transfer fish from the tank to the bag. Never place aggressive fish in the same bag because it is a smaller environment. Leave at least 8 inches of space at the top for air. Blow air into the bag, but make sure you are blowing through air into the bag. If you put your mouth in the bag and create a seal, you will blow too much carbon dioxide into it.

Take a rubber band and seal the bag. It should look like a balloon on top. If you have more fish, do this however many times you need so they are all in bags. The cooler will help keep the water temperature regulated, but ideally you will do this close to when you are walking out the door. The sooner you can get them to their new home the better off you will be. You also want to cover the cooler with the lid or put a blanket over top. Fish are less active in the dark, so you want to minimize the light.

Fill the other containers with the rest of the water from the tank until you get down to having about 20 percent left. There is no reason to keep the bottom layer of contaminated water. Clean the tank and accessories as you normally would.

Setting Up the Tank
When you arrive at your new house, the first thing you want to do is set up your tank. As a special note, it is a good idea to fill the tank with pillows or blankets before the movers arrive just to offer a little structural support to the walls.

Pour in the containers of water and add the fish, along with the water they are currently in. Since they were never removed from the old water, they won’t run the risk of shock when being added back to the tank.

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. 

We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Moving With Your Houseplants

If you are someone who looks around your home and sees plants that you have put your heart and soul into for years, then the thought of them not accompanying you to your new home is pretty disappointing. Giving one or two plants away is one thing, but anything more than that is not something anyone wants to do. Well, you will be happy to know that plants can make the move with no problem, even one of significant distance, if you plan properly.

Plan On Moving Yourself
Although you can ask your moving and storage company if they will handle houseplants, it is very rare that you will find any who will. Every company has a different policy, but since they are difficult to put monetary value on them, most can’t move them for insurance reasons. If they were to be damaged, then there would be the potential for a lengthy claim fighting over the value. Not to mention, do you really want someone else handling them? Plus, moving trucks can be very hot in the summer and like a freezer in the winter; houseplants should be moved in a temperature-regulated environment.

Government Requirements
If you are bringing any outdoor plants along, it should be noted that each province may have different regulations. Indoor plants are not an issue, but outdoor plants are. If you have a question, the Department of Environmental Affairs in your destination province will be able to help.

Transplant to Plastic
Unless you are dealing with very temperamental plants, such as bonsai trees, jade plants and cacti, you should transplant any plants you have in breakable pots into plastic ones. If you are not sure if the plant will survive, don’t chance it; just be extra careful with it.

You may even decide that you don’t want to move large plants, but simply bring cuttings from them. In this case, you can wrap them in wet moss and newspaper, place them in an unsealed bag and they should be fine for a couple days until you can put them in water to root at your new house. This is ideal for cross country moves, if you don’t have room in your car for a bunch of pots.

Bag and Box
Taller plants should be wrapped in plastic to help prevent damage. Add a couple garden posts to the soil and cover with a plastic bag. Just make sure to poke holes in the bag so your plant can breathe! Place the pots in boxes or plastic bins so you can set them on your backseat or the cargo floor of your SUV or minivan. If you have breakable pots, use towels or something similar to keep them from vibrating together over bumps.

When you arrive at your new home, remove any plastic and place them in appropriate areas depending on their sunlight needs. You don’t want to transplant them out of the plastic pots yet. Give them at least a week or so or you can over-stress them. Any cuttings you brought along can be placed in water immediately to root.

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. 

We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Spring clean? Put some stuff in storage

There is just something about spring that causes people to start wanting to clean up and remove clutter from their homes - so much so that we call it spring cleaning. Spring cleaning can be a great way to remove stress and mess from your life, but there are times when we run across a simple problem: we have too many things, but don't want to get rid of any of them! The solution to this problem is simple: while you're spring cleaning, put some of your things into storage.

Too Much Stuff
Often, the problem that we face when trying to clean our homes is that we simply have too many things. There are certainly ways to begin removing things from your life, such as donating them to friends or charity, but we often find ourselves in a situation where the things we have left over after spring cleaning are items we love and treasure, not things we want to give away. When that's the case, we need a solution to store our beloved items, so that they can still be ours, but not be in our way. The perfect solution in this scenario is to rent a storage unit from a local storage company.

What to Look For
When it comes to finding the perfect storage unit for your precious things, you don't want to place them in just any storage unit. Improperly managed storage units can cause damage to your stored items and are often easy targets for thieves. Instead, you should do your research beforehand and find a reputable company that offers a few specific amenities.

The most important thing is an excellent security system. Padlocked doors may seem safe, but they are easy for a thief with bolt cutters to break into, especially if there is not around-the-clock security available at the facility to keep an eye on things. You want a unit with state of the art security in a facility that maintains a 24-7 security force or system.

Next, you want to find a unit that is both climate and pest controlled. Humidity, temperature fluctuations and pests can all be destructive forces in a storage unit, especially if you have to leave your belongings there for an extended period of time. By ensuring that your unit is climate and pest controlled, you can help to keep your belongings safe and intact no matter the duration of your storage.

We recommend Simply Store for short term storage. You can find them at 

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. 

We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Be prepared and organized this year for spring cleaning.