Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to Move Into a High-Rise Building

Moving is a difficult subject on its own, but when it comes to moving into high-rise buildings, things can get a bit worse and tricky. Planning, organizing, packing, moving and storage are the main factors that shape the entire moving transition. No matter what high-rise building you are moving into (whether a townhouse or an apartment), be prepared to face new problems along the way!

First of all, high-rise buildings have limited room and means of access. In addition, they have very different and strict rules for tenants. I personally found this out the hard way when I had to move into a high-rise building for the first time in my life. I had no idea that I was supposed to have made moving reservations before hand, which is usually part of the policy of moving into high-rise buildings. This cost me a fee and an annoying delay in the moving process. That was truly awful. Here are some things you should know on how to move into high-rise buildings:

The less you have to move the better.
Have you been pondering on how to make good use of those Eco-boxes from Rentabox? Trust me, now would be the best time if you are planning to move to a high-rise building. The moving and storage bustle can be quite exhausting when it comes to moving into high-rise buildings. One thing you should remember is that it involves lots of trips up and down elevators or stairs, which means that every moving and storage box will add an extra cost and time on your move. Before moving into your new home, be sure to take the time to thoroughly go through everything you’ve packed up. Get rid of all the unnecessary things. Donate, sell or toss out anything you don’t really use anymore. The lesser you take, the less exhausting your move will be.

Get a luggage cart reserved for yourself.
Most buildings have luggage carts ready to help moving tenants, but they will likely not offer them unless you ask. You will need to speak to the building’s manager to reserve a cart for yourself at least a day or two before the moving day. A luggage cart can make the moving day go by very fast without the need to carry just a box or two at a time. Exploit the elevator and load up!

Reserve an elevator.
Find out how many elevators are there in your building and whether they are available for movers? Some buildings use back elevators for movers, which means you will need the management’s permission to use them. Sometimes, back elevators are allowed access only during particular hours. Make sure you check this up and reserve a time and day before hand.

Get help!
The more friends and family members to help you with the move, the better. Moving into high-rise buildings usually takes longer than moving into regular buildings or houses. Aside from that, you will want to keep your moving costs at a minimum.

Hire a moving and storage company.
Consider hiring a moving and storage company seriously. Good moving companies with great experience help in saving movers from facing moving catastrophes. They help arrange all the moving man power and equipments to move as many items in one go.

Are you moving soon or in the near future? Moving the traditional way puts an unbelievable amount of trash and other waste into our landfills which are harmful to the planet. Why waste time and money on cardboard boxes and tape that you’re just going throw away when you move into your new place? Instead, consider getting green plastic moving boxes from us at Rentabox. We’ll deliver them to you and pick them up from your new address so you don’t have to worry about it. With Rentabox, moving can be a streamlined, pleasant experience all the way around!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Take the Stress Out of Moving

As exciting as moving can be, there is no denying that it is one of the most stressful things anyone will ever go through, good or bad. Aside from the obvious stress of carefully sorting, packing, and moving all of your belongings only to unpack and set them up in the new home, there is the stress of leaving behind that which is familiar. While it is usually children who have the most difficulty coping with this aspect of moving, adults experience the same stress to varying levels. Much will depend on your own personality, some of the circumstances surrounding the move, and some on how long you have been living in one area.

If you have deep roots in the area from which you are moving, then trying to make a strange new place feel like “home” can seem like an exercise in futility. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. No, no place on earth will ever give you the exact same feeling as the place you’ve called home all your life, but there are many things that you can do to create a new homey environment that is just as comforting, albeit different, from the one you knew before.

The Power of the Senses

Have you ever come across an item and thought immediately, “this smells just like Grandma”? The power of our senses is truly amazing with regard to how we associate them with different memories and experiences in our lives. A certain song playing on the radio may bring warm memories of baking with your mom. A particular hue of some color could send you back in time to a play date you enjoyed with a beloved friend. If you’ll use this phenomenon to your advantage, you can create a warm, inviting, comforting environment in your new home in no time.

If the smell of cinnamon, for example, reminds you of home, then try setting out some cinnamon scented candles. If it just isn’t home to you without roosters adorning the kitchen, then incorporate some into your new design. Whatever you find comforting and homey, use it to add character to your new place.

Make it Yours

As an extension on using your senses, decorate your new home to your personality. If you despise the color yellow and every bedroom in the house just happens to be that color, then get out the paint and have a ball. Hang your most treasure pictures on the walls and arrange your collectibles and knick knacks to your liking. If you have an heirloom quilt, why not take it out of storage and use it on your bed for a while? It will do you much more good to give you a feeling of home that way, and that is probably the way whoever crafted it would have wanted it to be used anyway—not packed up in some box. Ultimately, it all comes down to giving your new place your own personal touch. Before you know it, it will be far more than just a residence—it will be home.

Simplify Your Move

If you are looking for ways to help simplify your move, how about eliminating those 150 cardboard moving boxes? Yep, that’s right! Your move can be even more stress free when you use our environmentally friendly, green moving boxes. They are made from virgin plastic, sturdy, and you won’t have to worry about disposing of them after your move. We will deliver them and pick them up. Give us a call today. You’ll be glad you did!